Contribute your expertise by applying to serve a term on one of SSMA's committees.   Please use this form to express your interest in service to our organization. 


About Our Committees

Awards and Endowment

The Awards and Endowment Committee is responsible for the recommendations
of the recipients of the various awards given by the organization.



The Conventions Committee assists in the planning and hosting
of the national SSMA National Convention. 


The Finance Committee makes recommendations regarding salaries, honoraria, and other expenditures of the Association based on information provided by the various officers and committees. 



The Membership Committee is responsible for coordinating the recruitment of members.


Nomination and Election

The Nomination and Election Committee makes recommendations for nominees for the offices of President-Elect and Directors-at-Large.  The chairperson of this committee provides the office of the Executive Director(s) with necessary pictures and professional biographies of the nominees.



The Policy Committee considers special problems referred to it by the Board of Directors, looks at new directions for the Association, and studies the By-Laws each year for purposes of revision.



The Publications Committee has general direction over all other publications of the Association, with the exception of the Journal, and actively works to promote appropriate Association publications.