Membership to SSMA 

School Science and Mathematics Association members have access to a many benefits including eight issues of the official journal School Science and Mathematics and three issues of the SSMA newsletter, The Math-Science Connector

Benefits of Being an SSMA Member

Academic Community

SSMA supports an academic community of science and mathematics educator professionals, scholars, researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students from a variety of settings.  SSMA members also have voting privileges for Association business and election of officers.

Education and Research Development

SSMA membership provides opportunities to present proposals for the national annual convention, as well as serve on an SSMA Committee or Leadership Team.

Member Pricing

Membership to SSMA is open to any person who supports the objectives of the Association, who has paid membership dues, and completed an application.  Members may choose to join or renew their membership online or through regular mail.


If you are requesting membership at the student rate, you will need to complete the Student Member Verification form. Your membership will be pending until this form is complete.

If you are requesting membership at the student rate, you will need to complete the P-12 Teacher Member Verification form. Your membership will be pending until this form is complete.


 ***Please note that "auto-renew"  is the default option when you join online. It would be our preference that you opt-in to the auto-renew feature, but that is now how the website company is set up and they cannot change it either. Please be sure that you have that auto-renew option set to your preference.


Membership prices are effective until December 31, 2024. As of January 1, 2025, membership prices for members and non-members will increase by $25. Membership prices for graduate students and Emeritus members will increase by $15.


Regular Domestic $100.00 
Membership expires after 1 Year.
Regular International $100.00 
Membership expires after 1 Year.
Regular Student $50.00 
Membership expires after 1 Year.
International Student $50.00  
Membership expires after 1 Year.
Emeritus $50.00 
Membership expires after 1 Year.
Lifetime or Lifetime International $900.00 
P-12 Teacher $50.00
Membership expires after 1 Year.